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Significance of DNA|Biomedical Importance Of DNA | BBA OFFICIAL

What are the Importance Of DNA?, Biomedical Importance Of DNA explained By BBA OFFICIAL. How is DNA important to our health.


Biomedical Importance Of DNA
Biomedical Importance Of DNA

Mutations are due to a change in the base sequence faulty sequence of DNA. They may result from the faulty replication, movement, or repair of DNA and occur with a frequency of about one in every 10⁶ cell divisions. An abnormal gene product can be the result of mutations that occur in coding or regulatory-region DNA. A mutation in a germ cell will be transmitted to offspring (so-called vertical transmission of hereditary disease). 

Factors Effecting DNA Sequence:

A number of factors, including viruses, chemicals, uliraviolet light, and ionizing radiation, increase the rale of mutation. Mutations of- ten alfect sOmatic cells and so are passed on to suc cessive generations of cells within an organism. It is becoming apparent that a number of diseases, and perhaps most cancers, are due to this horizontal transmission of induced mutations.

Biomedical Importance Of DNA